Awakening Self-Care for Changemakers

We are committed to building community and supporting the practices of changemakers through the lens of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice. To learn more about The SoulYoga Collective, sign up for one of our learning experiences.

Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation

Join the SoulYoga Collective Free “6-Week Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation Training.” Each session will feature music, gentle movement, guided meditation and a meditation talk to inform your practice. This series is a required offering of teachers enrolled in the two year, international Soundstrue Mindfulness Meditation Training led by Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield.

As an ordained minister in the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church and as a hatha yoga teacher, this “Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation" series is taught through the lens of [DEIJ] with an intention to help changemakers experience the benefits of the practice.


Yoga Classes

I love guiding people of all body types in yoga practice.  No matter who you are, Yoga is a possibility for you and it will change your body and change your mind about your body. Yoga is a way to explore spirituality through physical practice and it has lessons available for those who may be devoted to other faiths.  As an ordained minister and yoga teacher I share lessons I’ve learned from the journey.

When I share yoga talks they include a gentle practice, meditation and an opportunity for participants to expand knowledge of yoga philosophy reinterpreted through faith principles.  Join me for an upcoming session on meditation; yoga; body image; healing and personal transformation.


Sacred Rest: Yoga Nidra

Yoga nidra is an ancient but little-known yogic practice that is a form of meditation and a mind-body therapy. It is a systematic form of guided relaxation that typically is done for 35 to 40 minutes at a time. As a practice participants receive the physical benefits of reduced stress and a sense of health and wellness. As a meditation practice, yoga Nidra can engender a profound sense of joy and well-being

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SOYOX INQUIRY CALL                 

15 MIN

This is an opportunity to explore how we might work on your wellness and community wellness together. Simply choose a time for our initial complimentary conversation and we will take it from there.



45 MIN

SoulCoaching is the practice of unpacking the depth of an issue you would like to resolve or life project you would like to pursue. The sessions are designed for goal setting and accountability.  Web conferencing details provided upon confirmation. $99 USD



45 MIN

A  Spiritual Direction/Sacred Listening Session is designed for those who want to better hear what God is speaking in their life.  The “Direction” comes out of what each individual hears the Spirit of God expressing. It is based on the ancient practice of the Desert Fathers and Mothers. Web conferencing details provided upon confirmation. $99 USD



45 MIN

A SOULCOACHING Package is designed to work in greater depth or about a problem you would like to resolve or life project you would like to pursue. Web conferencing details provided upon confirmation. $499 USD